How to Use Quora Effectively

Marketers are always looking for ways on how to use Quora effectively to generate leads and sales. They’re looking for new ways to reach their target audience. And Quora is one such platform that helps them connect with their target audience at scale.

Quora is a question-answer platform and is loved by marketers due to its massive reach and popularity. But how to use Quora effectively is something that marketers are always interested in. There are tons of ways to use Quora content, audience, and reach for your business.

Here is a list of the best ways on how to use Quora effectively for your business:

1. Create a Quora Marketing Plan

The first step is developing your Quora marketing plan by setting objectives and goals. It is a marketing channel and you can’t spend resources on Quora without any plan.

Set clear goals. What do you want to achieve from Quora?

Most marketers use it to generate leads, build authority, and improve brand awareness. It isn’t a place to generate sales. 

Use it as a platform to grow your audience, reach your target audience, generate leads, build authority and trust, become a thought leader, and increase awareness.

Josh Fetcher is a perfect example who used Quora to generate more than 3K leads in 5 months. He has more than 42K followers and used Quora to build authority and become a thought leader:

profile on quora example

Josh had a solid Quora marketing plan. He answered 620 questions only and it worked for him.

Ask yourself: Why do you want to use Quora and what you want to achieve from it?

Are you interested in generating leads? Are you after brand awareness? Do you want to promote a product? Do you want to become an authority in your niche by writing extremely useful and authoritative answers?

Clearly define the purpose and goals, and then develop a plan. If you aren’t sure how to create a plan, read this step-by-step guide on how to create a marketing plan

2. Create the Best Quora Profile

Your Quora profile is the best place to tell people who you are, what you do, and why they should follow. If you have used any social media platform, you’ll know the importance of an optimized profile.

When you publish an answer, your name and bio appear at the top of the answer and is visible to the readers:

quora bio example

This is a great way to tell readers about your company, expertise, experience, or anything relevant to your Quora marketing goals.

Your profile must be complete and include all the following:

  • A profile picture
  • Your complete name and headline (that appears atop your answers)
  • Detailed bio and description
  • Employment credentials
  • Links to your website and social media accounts.

Here is an example of a perfectly crafted Quora profile:

how to use quora effectively example

It is a detailed profile that contains links, bio, description, and everything to keep people hooked. Use it as a place to talk about yourself and your experience. Keep it catchy yet interesting.

Remember, your profile is the first place that people will see when they click your profile picture or name. It is your only bet to grab attention. Use it smartly.

3. Follow Relevant Topics and People

Following relevant topics, spaces, and influencers are the most important tasks that you have to do.


Quora will optimize your feed based on topics of interest. For example, if you are interested in project management, select the topic to see project management questions and answers. Quora lists all the topics on your profile so that others can know what topics you are an expert in:

quora topics

This is essential if you are aiming to become a thought leader or authority in a niche. You must add relevant topics so that people can see them and read your answers.

Besides, you also have to follow others. This is helpful to stay active and to get notified of what others are doing. For example, you can follow your competitors. You can then monitor their activity. This will help you see what questions they’re answering, what people they follow, etc. 

And when you follow others, they’re more likely to follow back. 

It helps a lot in growing your profile quickly.

4. Add Value

Quora is all about value and knowledge-sharing. Whether you ask a question or answer a question, it has to be original and unique.

Quora is huge and there is a lot of competition. You can’t expect mediocre content to get noticed and reshared. It has to be nothing less than exceptional.

Here is an example of what I mean by original content:

Quora answer shared on Inc

This answer was featured on Inc because it is original. If you look at the type of content that is featured on Inc by Quora, you’ll notice one thing. The content is original and personal stories and anecdotes that aren’t shared anywhere else.

This is what Quora values. And this is what you should do.

Simply posting a revised version of an article that you just published on your blog as an answer won’t work. This is what everyone else is doing on Quora. If you are serious, go a step further.

Your thoughts and unique perspective are what readers will love.

Follow these tips to generate content that adds value:

  • Skim all the answers and ask if you can write the best answer. If you can’t add more value, skip the question
  • Write original content that’s not published elsewhere
  • Share personal stories, experiences, and perspectives
  • Avoid adding too many external links in answers. You might get yourself banned like Deepak Shukla even if you have 20 million views
  • Avoid spamming. Don’t use Quora for link building. This isn’t the place for you if you are interested in links.


These are the four ways on how to use Quora effectively. When you are busy publishing content, don’t forget to track your performance.

Quora has a nice analytics tool that shows you stats of all the content you have published on the platform. Use it to identify the types of answers that generate massive views, shares, and upvotes. Figure out the writing styles, answer length, and content types that work best for your audience. Once you’ll get an idea of what type of content works best, your life will become a lot easier.

Featured Image: Jesse Willms

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